Watch the online video to hear Seehafer describe how the repeal of Wisconsin’s prevailing wage will disproportionately affect veterans in the construction trades.
WI DOT Bid Lettings – February 14th, 2017
Wisconsin Department of Transportation (WisDOT) Highway Construction Bid Lettings occur on the second Tuesday of each month.
Health Benefit Fund Dependent Audit Information
On January 31st, letters regarding a Dependent Audit were mailed to all eligible participants as of December 1, 2016 with a spouse or child on the fund as a covered… Read more »
Free Health Screenings at Coloma Training Center
The Trustees of the Operating Engineers Local 139 Health Benefit Fund approved a special health screening, covered 100% by the Health Fund, for eligible members. We understand that some people do not have a primary doctor, do not have an annual physical, or are too busy during the work season to go to their doctor. We have a solution for you!
WI DOT Bid Lettings – January 10th, 2017
Wisconsin Department of Transportation (WisDOT) Highway Construction Bid Lettings occur on the second Tuesday of each month.
2016 PAC Raffle Winners Announced!
In support of the Union’s State Conduit Political Action Committee, the Operating Engineers Local 139 held its annual raffle featuring firearms and crossbows as prizes today at the Madison General Membership Meeting. Thank you to all who purchased raffle tickets.