“Safer at Home” Order
In compliance with Emergency Order #12 “Safer at Home”, effective Wednesday, March 25, the Local 139 offices will be closed. Administrative staff at the Union will be available by phone to assist with your union needs (pay dues, contact business agents, or Out of Work book assistance).
Business agents will be available at jobsites on a limited basis to service Local 139 Members and Contractors performing tasks covered under “essential infrastructure”.
The Local 139 Health Benefit Fund Office will be available by phone during normal business hours.
All Local 139 Engineer Gear orders will be processed after April 24.
Please utilize the Local 139 Member Portal to pay your dues online: http://portal.iuoe139.org/
For more information about the “Safer at Home” Emergency Order #12 please go to:https://evers.wi.gov/Documents/COVID19/EMO12-SaferAtHome.pdf
“In the meantime, please take precautions to keep yourself healthy, if not for the sake of yourself, then for the sake of your loved ones and your coworkers.”
Terry McGowan