Press Release: WI Operating Engineers Support Governor Evers’ COVID-19 Plan
March 24, 2020
Contact: Roger Putnam
Focus on Public Safety, Health and Wisconsin’s Economy
(MADISON, Wis.) – Wisconsin Operating Engineers Local 139 joins a wide array of construction industry representatives in supporting Governor Tony Evers’, legislative leaders and state agencies in their battle to protect the citizens and economy of Wisconsin from the COVID-19 virus.
“This is an unprecedented situation, to say the least, and Local 139 and its 10,000 members stand ready to do whatever it takes to assist the state in this time of crisis,” said Terry McGowan, President/Business Manager of Local 139.
Governor Evers’ order to exempt construction is consistent with other states that have issued “shelter in place” or “safer at home” orders. With this decision, work will continue to be performed on roads and bridges, in hospitals, and other public works that are critical to operate efficiently and effectively during this pandemic.
McGowan added that he understands that this is a very difficult decision to make for the governor, while at the same time realizing the importance of a functioning and improving critical infrastructure.
“We stand with the governor and the people of Wisconsin, and together we will get through this challenging time,” said McGowan. “We as operators will do our part to keep commerce rolling, build new schools and expand our hospitals.”
Wisconsin Operating Engineers Local 139 represent the men and woman who operate the heavy equipment responsible for building Wisconsin. Operating Engineers is a recognized leader in organized labor’s efforts to improve the standards of living of workers and their families.