Commander Burt Reflects on Legion Post 139’s Efforts in 2017
Featured Photo: Commander Mike Burt presenting a check for the purchase of re-purposed kitchen cabinets and appliances for the Director’s Quarters reconstruction project. Operating Engineers Local Post 139 donation will cover the full cost of the re-purposed materials. Receiving the check on behalf of Camp American Legion is Lilly Grundy, wife of Camp Director Don Grundy.
First of all, I am grateful for all those who have supported the efforts of Post 139 during the past year.
I would like to thank all those who stopped by and spoke with our members during the many Christmas meetings around the state. We tried very diligently to have someone at every meeting to talk with our members and speak about the projects in which we are involved.
Whether it comes to the efforts to support places such as Camp American Legion, Veterans Outreach of Wisconsin, Heat 4 Heroes, or any other community actions that we are involved in, we are committed to helping build on the many legacies unique to organizations such as these. In keeping with this commitment, Post 139 recently donated $250 to ten organizations including: Toys for Tots, Heat 4 Heroes, Veterans Outreach of Wisconsin, Badger Honor Flight, Folds of Honor, Fisher House Foundation, TAPS (Tragedy Assistance Program for Survivors), Weyauwega-Fremont Youth Wrestling Club, USO (The United Service Organization), and The Wisconsin Korean War Memorial. We were also able to allocate $2100 to Camp American Legion toward the purchase of re-purposed cabinets and appliances for the Camp Director’s house which has been recently demolished down to the 1st floor level as part of an extensive remodel. Building upon a legacy really means to add to the time-honored values of well-established efforts as well as adding to developing values of more recent ones.
While Post 139 is helping with efforts both great and small, we are at the same time building upon the legacy that is this local union of the International Union of Operating Engineers. This comes through community involvement, mutual helpfulness, and protecting the very common threads that make our nation strong and our country great.
Strength and greatness are never the result of a single person or an individual effort. They are the hallmarks of many commitments that sometimes only benefit a few. But often it is the few who need it the most. Veterans’ organizations such as The American Legion and labor organizations such as Local 139 are kindred souls when it comes to standing their respective grounds on issues that impact their memberships. They share the common vision that many voices will always speak louder than the few.
As you work to stay warm through this season of winter, I ask that you keep in mind those who could truly use just a little more. For some the need is for food, shelter, or help in keeping the lights on and the furnace going. For others it may be something as simple as a kind ear or a phone call to see how things are in their corner of the world. On behalf of myself and the officers of Post 139, we wish you all the love and happiness this season can bring and may it follow you throughout the coming new year.
In closing, our Post 139 motto is “Leaning Forward Together” because simply that is the only way to truly accomplish anything. The motto of The American Legion is “For God and Country” because after all, we are not in this alone.
Commander Mike Burt, American Legion Post 139
For more information on Legion Post 139, visit the American Legion Post Website or visit the American Legion Post 139 Facebook Page.
Below are some pictures of the refurbished cabinets & appliances that Post 139 purchased to be installed into the Directors House currently under construction:
Progress on the rebuild of the Camp Director’s House: