Operating Engineer’s Challenge to Right-to-Work law to go Before Federal Court of Appeals
A challenge to the constitutionality of Wisconsin’s Right-to-Work law brought forth by Operating Engineers Local 139 will move on to a federal appeals court, it was announced today.
Operating Engineers Local 139 President/Business Manager Terry McGowan said: “The Unions were aware of the District Court’s obligation to follow the Sweeney decision when we filed this case and therefore we fully expected this decision before this court,” he said.
“We are pleased that the District Court rejected the State’s additional arguments and we fully intend to appeal this decision to the Seventh Circuit. We remain confident that when presented with our arguments on federal pre-emption and the Takings Clause, the Seventh Circuit will re-evaluate Sweeney and rule in our favor. Simply put, it is our opinion that Congress never intended to allow some workers to get a free ride and have their union representation paid for by their fellow workers.”